Sustainable and Sanitary

Danielle Humilde
1 min readMar 24, 2020

In these times of a worldwide pandemic, it is important to try our best to stay healthy and sanitary. As someone who lives a low-waste lifestyle, this can disturb a lot of efforts I have made in the past to lower my waste consumption.

Here are 4 quick tips that you can apply to be sustainable but also stay sanitary:

I speak from a point of privilage but we need to do what we can to help flatten the curve agains this worldwide pandemic.

Many of us in the sustainable community try to limit the amount of waste that we produce by not purchasing anything that is single use but right now, we may need to use those items. I’ve had an internal dilemma of what to do for the last few weeks, but with my home province declaring a state of emergency against COVID-19 we should all be taking this pandemic seriously.

Try and find sustainable alternatives to certain household items, but there is a certain line that we need to use single use items to remain sanitary.

